Meet " Henry " - my new brother!
You know I'm always saying how we hounds LOVE company? Well...finally everyone listened to me and decided that ....now I'm nearly three years old and quite grown up(!!??) it would be the right time for me to have my very own fauve brother!
Four weeks ago, Mum and dad went to visit Liz and Bruce in Wiltshire (my first ever family) and Great Aunt Clementine, who'd had six beautiful puppies four weeks earlier.They didn't take me,as they said there would be too much "puppy gazing" going on and I'd be too giddy - as if!!
Of course, they fell in love with them all,but aunty Liz and uncle Bruce helped mum and dad choose my brother/second cousin!
They went back last Sunday to get to know the puppies a bit more and enjoy extra puppy cuddles - -
When they got back they told me all about Henry!
He's coming to live with us in THREE weeks!(March 4th)
Will I be ready?Where will he sleep? Will he want to eat my food?
I promise to try and answer all these questions AND to post LOTS of photos of the two of us (might need to ask mum to help out !) and tell you all about our first meeting.
Must go now and check out all the old toys which I'm going to let Henry have ...well...maybe!!
woofs and hound smiles xxx Harvey
hi there harvey, glad to see your mother has sorted your blog out again... was just showing your videos from the blog to the families who are taking bramble and tati later this month - henry was on fine form and you can see more photos at "mochrashounds" on facebook. see you at the end of the month - " your dogmother" liz xxx