Chilling with Dino the dinosaur!

Cool profiles!

Look at my brilliant present from Preston the Puggle in America!
Hi to anyone out there who hasn't yet given up on following my blog!
I'm as sorry as a dog can be (Yes, we really DO have feelings ) for not posting for a while. You can blame my mum, as she's had problems with her camera's memory card (poor excuse!) but hey, I forgive her, as she's sorted it out and has PROMISED we can blog every week from now on, so don't give up on me!
Can you believe it...I am one whole year old!
I knew something was going on....but just a few days before my birthday, a HUGE,brown package arrived from America, with MY name on it!!
Wow! I was SOO--OO excited when mum told me it was from my first ever cyber pal, Preston, in Boston, America.He and his mum sent me the cool--est soft, squeaky dinosaur ( which I love and take everywhere with me!) and a great ball that I can grab and run off with.THANK YOU SO MUCH, Preston, Jeff and Suz! Mum and dad especially loved the potato chips you put in the parcel...they wouldn't share them with me, but I know they thought they were delicious.( Just wait until they want a lick of my smelly old bones...no way!)
(Check out Preston's blog from my list of friends!)
...he's the smartest dog in the world! I don't take after him one bit in the intelligence department, but hopefully I make up for it in other ways (?)
On Saturday mum and dad are taking me on holiday to stay with my litter brother, Woody, and his parents,Sue and Chuck, in Devon.
I'm so excited about that, but on the way, they've promised we can stop off to visit my first-ever family, Liz and Bruce, in Wiltshire!! (and my mum, aunty, two cousins AND three boarder fauves!)
Watch this space next week for an up-date on "Harvey in Devon".
Woofs and grunts to all you faithful followers x x x ( and especially Tinky, my step-sister, if she's on-line!!) xxx Harvey the hound (aged 1 whole year!!!)
Hi Harvey, sorry I couldn't visit your blog earlier. Mommy and Daddy have been away. (thank goodness they are back, I missed them so much!).
ReplyDeleteI am glad you like your dino. Hope it keeps you company when mum is busy with work.
thanks for the nicest thing you said about me. I am blushing :)
wags and kisses,
Harvey's had a birthday, the time has passed real fast. hope you have a good time in Devon.