About Me
- Harvey
- I am a "Basset Fauve de Bretagne" (I know,difficult to say at first!)and my birthday is April 1st 2009. My new parents collected me on June 7th from Wiltshire and I came to live in Horsforth,Leeds.I hope you check in often to see my photos, and read all about my adventures/misadventures!(My little brother,Henri, joined the pack in March 2012)
Thursday, 2 September 2010
A Tuscan Wedding!
Hello blog buddies....sorry it's been a while ,but you know how I have to wait until mum has time to help me use the poo-ter! She must have heard all my barks and whines and decided enough was enough...time poor old Harvey got back in touch with his blog fans! Mum tried to make excuses by saying how busy she's been over the last few weeks.Her niece,Amy, got married in Italy and the whole family(except me!!)went to Siena in Tuscany to share the celebrations.
I know they all had a GREAT time because they're always talking about it and getting excited about photos and stuff... I'm really,really happy about all that...even though they did NOT invite me to the wedding!!!
Dogs live in the moment as you know and,well, I've moved on.
I've forgiven them,actually,because I ended up having a great time at a place called "MY PET STOP" that mum and dad took me to the day before they went to Italy.
I think I was expected to look sad and depressed when they left (bassets are good at that!) but as soon as I saw my cool "apartment" and the play paddock,I was a happy hound! It was PAWSOME!!I think mum and dad were too sad to take pictures,but I couldn't post without showing some pics of Amy and Mark at their wedding - don't they look so happy,beautiful and handsome!!
Congrats to Amy and Mark!
big licks and lots of 'dog blog' love! xx H
I know they all had a GREAT time because they're always talking about it and getting excited about photos and stuff... I'm really,really happy about all that...even though they did NOT invite me to the wedding!!!
Dogs live in the moment as you know and,well, I've moved on.
I've forgiven them,actually,because I ended up having a great time at a place called "MY PET STOP" that mum and dad took me to the day before they went to Italy.
I think I was expected to look sad and depressed when they left (bassets are good at that!) but as soon as I saw my cool "apartment" and the play paddock,I was a happy hound! It was PAWSOME!!I think mum and dad were too sad to take pictures,but I couldn't post without showing some pics of Amy and Mark at their wedding - don't they look so happy,beautiful and handsome!!
Congrats to Amy and Mark!
big licks and lots of 'dog blog' love! xx H
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Where did the time go?
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Alfie's Visit....
Check out my cool little cousin, Alfie!
Alfie's a Petite Griffon Vendeen and very handsome. He belongs to mum's niece, Lydia and her family.
Alfie's nearly three months old and I thought it was great when mum looked after him for a day last week. Look how tiny he is compared to me!
We had a cool time running round the garden and playing "woof and tumbles" together.
I really loved him (more than he loves me, I think!) I hope we're going to be great friends and have lots of long walks together during the summer.
Lydia's going to let Alfie start blogging as soon as he can use his paws on the poo-ter...so watch out for him on my list of friends!
Well folks, I have to dash as nature calls, but thanks to all you followers out there for giving me a great excuse to blog ....
Woofs and licks xxx Harvey x

Come in, Alfie....don't be scared.

Alfie got the best bed!...
Alfie's a Petite Griffon Vendeen and very handsome. He belongs to mum's niece, Lydia and her family.
Alfie's nearly three months old and I thought it was great when mum looked after him for a day last week. Look how tiny he is compared to me!
We had a cool time running round the garden and playing "woof and tumbles" together.
I really loved him (more than he loves me, I think!) I hope we're going to be great friends and have lots of long walks together during the summer.
Lydia's going to let Alfie start blogging as soon as he can use his paws on the poo-ter...so watch out for him on my list of friends!
Well folks, I have to dash as nature calls, but thanks to all you followers out there for giving me a great excuse to blog ....
Woofs and licks xxx Harvey x

Come in, Alfie....don't be scared.

Alfie got the best bed!...
Wake up Alfie, "I want to play!"
The collar of shame!!!!
Mum took me to the vets a few weeks ago. I had to have something called a "cat- stray- shon" whatever that is! When mum came to collect me I felt all wobbly and strange...what was that pain I could feel?? Ouch! I still felt wibbly -wobbly in the evening and just wanted to sleep.
While we were in Devon, we had all watched a D.V.D. called "UP" and laughed when Dougie had to wear the "collar of shame" (Dougie's a fauve...he has to be!) Well..guess what? I had to wear one too, so I know just how he felt,poor guy!
I'm not sure what "shame" means, but whatever it is, the collar thing stopped me licking where it hurt and now I'm fine x H
While we were in Devon, we had all watched a D.V.D. called "UP" and laughed when Dougie had to wear the "collar of shame" (Dougie's a fauve...he has to be!) Well..guess what? I had to wear one too, so I know just how he felt,poor guy!
I'm not sure what "shame" means, but whatever it is, the collar thing stopped me licking where it hurt and now I'm fine x H

Monday, 3 May 2010
Holidays and operations!

Woof! to any blog readers who still bother to follow my adventures.
I'm trying hard to get back on the blogging waggon, so I'll post all my latest news in the hope that I eventually catch up...mind you, it is tough being the author AND the publisher! I have to rely on the who-mans for the photography department.. er.. enough said!!
Where shall I begin? How about my holiday in Devon!
We had a great time with Sue, Chuck and the dogs: Missy, Ben, Woody and, last but certainly not least, Miss Twiggy!! (Oh, there were two cats too, but I prefer not to talk about them!)
I couldn't believe how great it was to run around all day with my brother and his pack.
My mum called it something like "so-shall-I-say-tion", well, whatever it was, it felt great!
On the way down to Devon (when I eventually stopped whining) we called to see my first-ever parents, Liz and Bruce.
Wow! My bio- mum, Cracker, was there and my two fauve cousins, Milo and Marmi.
I'm not sure what came over me, but I couldn't leave Marmi alone...I loved her so much. After a while she needed a break from me though and she escaped to her crate. It was lovely to see my first-ever family...Liz said I was very handsome!!!
I magine how great it was when, arriving in Devon, there was ANOTHER girl for me to fall in love with!
Twiggy's the baby of the pack ( only three months old) but she can "woof and tumble" like the rest of us. She's beautiful and the other dogs were really friendly - no bad tempers or falling out.
I felt sad leaving all my new friends and slept for 5 hours on the way home...can dogs feel deep-rest?? YES!
Thursday, 8 April 2010
A quick note to Tinky!
I know I'm really only supposed to use the blog to send a message to everyone and not just to Tinky, my gorgeous, cute step-sister, BUT I just had to say "Go Tinky!! What a star you were at the big Crufts Show! You're amazing- and so clever getting your Silver award too! I know I'm a pain when we get together, but I can't help it...boys will be boys!!
It was great seeing you a few weeks ago, when we took the parents on a walk through the woods. Let's meet up when I get back from Devon...I'm sure the humans will be ready for a catch up by then and as long as they don't get "over-tired", we should be able to have a great time together! Woof for now xx your annoying big (by 7 days!) brother, Harvey xxxx
It was great seeing you a few weeks ago, when we took the parents on a walk through the woods. Let's meet up when I get back from Devon...I'm sure the humans will be ready for a catch up by then and as long as they don't get "over-tired", we should be able to have a great time together! Woof for now xx your annoying big (by 7 days!) brother, Harvey xxxx
Harvey Dog missing his Mum!
Just so you can all see how courageous and brave I was when mum left me in the car, with big brother Sam , for ten minutes!! (Fellow Fauves will all understand the Basset whine!)

Chilling with Dino the dinosaur!

Cool profiles!

Look at my brilliant present from Preston the Puggle in America!
Hi to anyone out there who hasn't yet given up on following my blog!
I'm as sorry as a dog can be (Yes, we really DO have feelings ) for not posting for a while. You can blame my mum, as she's had problems with her camera's memory card (poor excuse!) but hey, I forgive her, as she's sorted it out and has PROMISED we can blog every week from now on, so don't give up on me!
Can you believe it...I am one whole year old!
I knew something was going on....but just a few days before my birthday, a HUGE,brown package arrived from America, with MY name on it!!
Wow! I was SOO--OO excited when mum told me it was from my first ever cyber pal, Preston, in Boston, America.He and his mum sent me the cool--est soft, squeaky dinosaur ( which I love and take everywhere with me!) and a great ball that I can grab and run off with.THANK YOU SO MUCH, Preston, Jeff and Suz! Mum and dad especially loved the potato chips you put in the parcel...they wouldn't share them with me, but I know they thought they were delicious.( Just wait until they want a lick of my smelly old bones...no way!)
(Check out Preston's blog from my list of friends!)
...he's the smartest dog in the world! I don't take after him one bit in the intelligence department, but hopefully I make up for it in other ways (?)
On Saturday mum and dad are taking me on holiday to stay with my litter brother, Woody, and his parents,Sue and Chuck, in Devon.
I'm so excited about that, but on the way, they've promised we can stop off to visit my first-ever family, Liz and Bruce, in Wiltshire!! (and my mum, aunty, two cousins AND three boarder fauves!)
Watch this space next week for an up-date on "Harvey in Devon".
Woofs and grunts to all you faithful followers x x x ( and especially Tinky, my step-sister, if she's on-line!!) xxx Harvey the hound (aged 1 whole year!!!)
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Hi from Harvey!!

Snoozing, while waiting for the paint to dry!

Hmmm! This looks like an interesting read!

Oh no! Please don't say i have to get in there... Fauves don't like water.
Harvey's back!!
I know it's been a while since my last blog and I am SOO-OO sorry for not posting since November...all kinds of reasons, BUT I am back now and ready to update everyone (well! My two followers at least!) on what's been happening in the life of this basset fauve!
I have to tell you that I've been VERY busy in the growing department!
(quick exit to check out the photos...back soon!!)
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