Hi friends - Tinky arrived at lunch-time, but I was TOO excited to think about food.We played for HOURS!Mum thought we'd wear ourselves out - she must be joking!!
Mind you, I think Tinky was getting a bit fed up of me barking "chase me,chase me" all the time, but she's just so gorgeous, how could I help myself?
Mum and dad walked us at 8.oopm, in the pouring rain, but we loved it.We met Oscar.He lives round the corner from me. After dinner we were still full of energy, but Tinky fell asleep at 9.00pm.Mum put her in my crate and I slept in the one upstairs - the end to a perfect day!(Can't wait for tomorrow, when we can start all over again! xx Licks and yawns x Harvey
(Oh! Tinky wants me to add a quick note to tell her parents she loves them and misses them,but will be okay, as long as I let her be the boss sometimes!)
Hi Harvey, just keeping upto date with what you have been doing and im sure i left a comment regarding your new toy. nevermind, it is great seeing what you get upto and cant wait to see what adventures are in store for 2010. Love Anne x