Alfie's a Petite Griffon Vendeen and very handsome. He belongs to mum's niece, Lydia and her family.
Alfie's nearly three months old and I thought it was great when mum looked after him for a day last week. Look how tiny he is compared to me!
We had a cool time running round the garden and playing "woof and tumbles" together.
I really loved him (more than he loves me, I think!) I hope we're going to be great friends and have lots of long walks together during the summer.
Lydia's going to let Alfie start blogging as soon as he can use his paws on the watch out for him on my list of friends!
Well folks, I have to dash as nature calls, but thanks to all you followers out there for giving me a great excuse to blog ....
Woofs and licks xxx Harvey x

Come in, Alfie....don't be scared.

Alfie got the best bed!...
Wake up Alfie, "I want to play!"